堅守⾃由價值 反對港府23條立法 連署聲明

【堅守⾃由價值  反對港府23條立法  連署聲明】

























Upholding Freedom, Opposing the Hong Kong Government’s Legislation of Article 23


Civil society organizations in Taiwan and HongKongers residing in Taiwan issue this solemn statement in opposition to the Hong Kong government’s aggressive legislative advancement of Article 23 of the Basic Law:


Just three years after the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region forcefully push forward national security legislation under Article 23 of the Basic Law. This legislation is more draconian than its predecessor, encompassing offences such as treason, espionage, and sedition, with life imprisonment as the most severe penalty. The legislative process has been rushed, with a mere 30-day public consultation period starting January 30th this year before proceeding to the legislative stage.


This legislation will severely undermine the right of Hong Kong residents to a fair trial and will expand the powers of the Hong Kong police, allowing for extended detention periods without sufficient evidence and restricting the rights of detainees. This encroaches further upon the legal protections and fundamental freedoms of Hong Kong. Of particular concern are the extraterritorial effects of the national security offences, the expansion of police enforcement powers, and the limitation on defendants’ rights to due process. The law’s ambiguous definitions risk becoming another form of “catch-all” offence, enabling Beijing or the Hong Kong government to fabricate charges and convict individuals arbitrarily.


In the absence of effective participation and oversight by the Hong Kong public, coupled with a lack of protection by an independent judiciary, this legislation once more deprives Hong Kong residents of their valued freedom of speech and the spirit of the rule of law. It contradicts the freedoms and rights committed to in the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, further eroding human rights protections in Hong Kong.


Historically, in 2003, when the Hong Kong government attempted to push through Article 23 legislation, it led to protests by over half a million HongKongers which forced the government to withdraw the proposal.


In 2020, Beijing altered its approach, bypassing public opinion in Hong Kong and directly implementing the Hong Kong National Security Law through the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. Since this law took effect, more than 252 individuals have been arrested under national security offenses, with 155 charged and 79 convicted or awaiting sentencing. These include political leaders, former Legislative Council members, academics, students, social activists, lawyers, and journalists, accused of offences including participation in unauthorized assemblies and conspiracy to subvert state power. With over 100 cases concluded, the conviction rate stands at 100 percent.


The Hong Kong government is once again forcibly advancing the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law, this time with even more stringent provisions and heavy-handed measures, posing a long-term and grave threat to the human rights and freedoms in Hong Kong, and challenging the values of rule of law and democracy in an unprecedented manner. However, with the freedom of speech now stripped, the people of Hong Kong are left without the means to protest or resist.

We hereby urgently call on the Hong Kong government to immediately withdraw the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law. The international community must stand up, express its opposition to this legislation, and demand that the Hong Kong government release all political prisoners and safeguard the freedom of speech and rule of law in Hong Kong .   


March 20,2024


If you firmly believe in the value of freedom and strongly resonate with the resistance against the legislation of Article 23 under the Basic Law, we sincerely invite you to join us in signing this petition to collectively raise our voices. We hereby extend an invitation to various community organizations and individuals to sign together. Please fill in the information below. Thank you!


Petition Initiator:

New School for Democracy


Petition Link:



2024-03-20 00:00 to 23:45
Taiwan, Taipei, TPE, 000