【六四三⼗五週年晚會-追求⺠主,無畏無懼 Ideals are bullet-proof】

【六四三⼗五週年晚會-追求⺠主,無畏無懼Ideals are bullet-proof】






今年台灣的六四三⼗五週年晚會,於 6/4 當⽇於中正紀念堂⺠主⼤道舉⾏.今年度晚會主題為追求⺠主,無畏無懼.Ideals are bullet-proof.






⽽今年的六四,除了在⺠主⼤道上有⼀系列的活動外,四⽉⾄五⽉間華⼈⺠主書院協會已規劃台北、台中與台南三場在地⼈權講座,在中正紀念堂中央通廊則規劃了「⽣ | 死 | 存 |





PM 2:00~9:30 ⺠主市集

PM 3:00~4:00 ⽣ | 死 | 存 | 忘:六四三⼗五週年藝術展導覽

PM 4:30~6:00 台灣國際⺠主誌影展-獨⽣之國

PM 6:40~9:30 六四三五週年晚會-追求⺠主,無畏無懼 Ideals are bullet-proof.



華⼈⺠主書院協會、⺠間司法改⾰基⾦會、台灣⼈權促進會、⼈權公約施⾏監督聯盟、好⺠⽂化⾏動協會、台灣廢除死刑推動聯盟、⻄藏台灣⼈權連線、台灣勞⼯陣線、史明教育基⾦會、台灣青年⺠主協會、財團法⼈陳⽂成博⼠紀念基⾦會、香港邊城青年、亞洲公共⽂化協會、台灣原住⺠族政策協會、全球綠⼈台灣之友會、信⺠兩岸研究學會、⼈道中國、中國⼈權、我地NGO DEI、綠⾊公⺠⾏動聯盟、台灣聯合國協進會、紐⻄蘭價值聯盟、加拿⼤公⺠會、經濟⺠主連合



35th Anniversary Candlelight Vigil for the Tiananmen Incident to be held in Taiwan, on June 4th at Democracy Boulevard, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall


The event will be divided into three parts. The first part, "Remembering Tiananmen," will feature short speeches by witnesses and activists of the Tiananmen Incident, reminding the world not to forget this historical event. The second part, "Global 

Support for China Human Rights issues," will include speeches by individuals who have experienced authoritarian oppression, Taiwanese social movement activists, international organizations, and Chinese overseas youth activists. This segment aims to commemorate the memory of the Tiananmen Incident and call attention to the ongoing expansion of Chinese authoritarianism. The third part, "Art for Freedom," will present theatrical performances and musical pieces by artists from Hong Kong and Taiwan, accompanied by speeches by academics, urging the public and the global community to unite against human rights abuses by authoritarian regimes.


At 8:09 PM on June 4th, a moment of silence will be memorial the victims of the Tiananmen Incident. Additionally, there will be a memorial pavilion and candlelight vigil at the event.

The memorial pavilion will open to the public at 2:00 PM on June 4th for commemorations, and a democracy marketplace will be set up by NGO groups to advocate for various issues.


Beyond the events on Democracy Boulevard, the New School for Democracy has already hosted three human rights lectures in Taipei, Taichung, and Tainan from April to May. An art exhibition titled "Life | Death | Survival | Forgetting: The 35th 

Anniversary of the Tiananmen Incident" will be held at the Central Corridor of Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall from May 20th to June 13th, with a guided tour by the curator and artists at 3:00 PM on June 4th.


The 2nd Taiwan International Democracy Film Festival will screen the film "One Child Nation" at 4:30 PM on June 4th at Democracy Boulevard, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. The film discusses the implementation of China's family planning policy, a large-scale social experiment in birth control, resulting in decades of silence through propaganda and fear. This year's film festival theme is "Freedom and Memory," and related films will continue to be screened in Taiwan and internationally throughout the year.




2024-06-04 00:00 to 23:45
中正紀念堂⺠主⼤道, Taipei, TPE, 111