
Law Society urges China to release lawyers arrested in 'crackdown'

16 July 2015 09:20 am

The Law Society has written to the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang urgently raising its concerns following the recent arrests of lawyers in China.


The Law Society is extremely concerned that an increasing number of Chinese lawyers including some of the country’s most prominent human rights defenders have been detained or questioned over the past few days.

We have been informed that the total number of people who have been either summoned, arrested, questioned or detained is now over 100 across 15 provinces.

The Law Society reiterates the importance of an independent justice system and for legal professionals to be free from undue restrictions or sanctions. 

Lawyers and judges should not face intimidation or physical attack for carrying out their legitimate professional duties.

The Law Society will be closely following these worrying developments and raising these concerns with the relevant authorities.


Read our letter to Chinese premier Li Keqiang (attached)

