生 | 死 | 存 | 忘:六四三十五週年藝術展

「生 | 死 | 存 | 忘:六四三十五週年藝術展」








"Life | Death | Preserve | Forgotten: The 35th Anniversary Art Exhibition of June 4th" is conceived by curators from Taiwan and Hong Kong, with the concept of “Storage of memories”. 18 artists from around the world are invited to contemplate the passage of time through their artworks in a space reminiscent of shelves, exploring the subtle relationship between life, death, preservation, and oblivion as events gradually become recognized as historical. Artists express their longing for freedom and democracy, as well as their questioning of human memory, through various forms and techniques. Consequently, human rights, freedom of speech, artistic freedom, and political oppression are focal points of the exhibition.


Over the past 35 years, Taiwan, China, and Hong Kong have traversed different political backgrounds and temporal contexts, experiencing periods of authoritarian white terror,1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre the Wild Lily student movement, the The 709 Crackdownthe Sunflower student movement, the Umbrella Movement, the anti-extradition bill protests, and the Blank Paper Revolution. People continuously seek opportunities for freedom, democracy, and human rights within the crevices of authoritarian regimes, some even becoming displaced and unable to return home due to resistance, forced separation from family members across borders. Yet they persist in their pursuit of freedom and democracy, continuing to voice their opinions and connect in their own ways.


This art exhibition aims to establish an annual showcase, linking artists from different backgrounds through artistic mediums, illuminating the various figures on the human rights path in pursuit of freedom and democracy. It also invites viewers to reconsider that freedom, democracy, and human rights are not inherent rights but rather continuously extended through artistic activities in various societies and regions, emphasizing that history does not remain stagnant in past memories but is continuously perpetuated through artistic endeavors across societies and regions.



策展人 Curators|

劉慧婷 Lau Loretta (香港/荷蘭,HK/NL )

李采楹 Li Abbey (臺灣,TW )

陳韋綸 Chen Wei-Lun(臺灣,TW )


文物提供Cultural Heritage Providers|

人道中國 Humanitarian China (USA)

中國人權Human Rights in China (USA)

社團法人華人民主書院協會New School for Democracy (TW)





Supervisor: Ministry of Culture




Organizer: New School for Democracy



生 | 死 | 存 | 忘:六四三十五週年藝術展

|展覽資訊 Information|

場地 Venue | 中正紀念堂 中央通廊

日期 Date | 2024.5.20-2024.6.13

時間 Time | 09:00 – 18:00 (自由參觀 free entry)



2024-05-20 14:15 to 2024-06-13 14:15
中正紀念堂 中央通廊, Taipei, TPE, 111